0.909 is live!

0.909 is live!

0.9085 -> 0.909

  • Added additional rock props.
  • Added paint mode cursor and paint cursor to show if area can’t be painted due to low credits.
  • Added thousand-separators in messages from conglomerates to improve readibility.
  • Added thousand-separators to values in local economy view.
  • Added more distinct “border” to flat world atmosphere.
  • Edited preschool footprint so make it fit nicer with streets.
  • Cleaned up local economy panel, including fixing text overflow.
  • Lowered amount of medicine required in hospitals.

  • Increased (slightly) health output of hospitals.
  • Increased (slightly) health output of clinics.
  • Increased performance of setting shader property blocks.
  • Increased conglomerate value calculation, their property should be worth roughly 2-3 times more, but land value now factors in more than before.
  • Increased tax income from property tax (20% of property value is taxable now, so income is value * taxrate * 0.2). Property tax should now be a worthwhile revenue source.
  • Increased conglomerate unhappiness from different types of tax.
  • Increased property sales tax revenue as a result of overall higher property values.
  • Changed flat world atmosphere into half sphere, so that the shader works properly.
  • Changed atmosphere shader to better display the border of the world (primarily if world is flat).
  • Changed happiness to take a greater hit at extreme tax rates.

  • Fixed discrete policies still being active if city hall is demolished.
  • Fixed discrete policy window being open and interactible if open before demolishing city hall.
  • Fixed painted tile “sticking” when switching.
  • Fixed “unplaced” paint not disappearing when mouse pointer is outside of targetable area.
  • Fixed “deny”-sound being played when placing grass or asphalt with no money.
  • Fixed being able to paint without having money.
  • Fixed incorrect color mapping on building status view.
  • Fixed some effect display types missing (public transport, pollution and wealth).
  • Fixed some building types not given the correct color in building type display.
  • Fixed wind power plant missing from building menu.
  • Fixed incorrect tool tip for culture display mode.
  • Fixed terrain disappearing in different view modes (when playing flat worlds).
  • Fixed being able to place water blocks in starting water if playing a city with water.
  • Fixed some z-fighting of objects in the building type base view.
  • Fixed incorrect normalization of graphs (for example in the local economy view).
  • Fixed conglomerate value not following currency re-evaluation properly, which would lead to propery tax gradually diminishing.
  • Fixed incorrect display of property tax revenue per conglomerate.
  • Fixed rare occurance of null reference error due to running sliders for objectives, even when there are no objectives.
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