0.84 is live!

0.84 is live!


0.84 is now live:

0.83 -> 0.84
– Added first set of buildings for the lower tier 3×3 residentials.
– Two new parks (3×4 and 2×3) added.
– New stairs type park added.
– Park effects changed. All parks now cost the same (depending on size) and produce the same output. That way the different park types become more of a design choice, rather than having different effects that the player might want to balance or maximize.
– Difficulty info added into file info when loading.
– Made changes to atmosphere material so that travelling through it causes less distortion.

– Fixed bug where special road pieces couldn’t be rotated
– Fixed side block decoration placement bug.
– Fixed rounded round not working next to other rounded roads (on the rounded blocks)

As mentioned in prior devlogs, a couple of new parks have been added in.

These are odd sized parks (width and length different) that work well, for example, at the end of roads as a sort of center point.

I discovered a minor issue with one of the special road pieces when wrapping roads around rounded blocks. This has now been fixed.

I’ve started adding in 3×3 residential buildings. The first tier, first density 3×3 residential set can now be added to your city:

Also previously mentioned, there’s now a type of half height decoration block that can be built on.

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