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Month: April 2020

Info on the upcoming version (0.28)

Info on the upcoming version (0.28)


Missed updating here when launching 0.27 (hectic week). I’m making progress on the upcoming 0.28 version, here’s some of what’s going into 0.28:


A new type of decoration that adapts to surroundings, allowing some nice looking curves around corners. These allow for a softer look and can be a good compliment to other types of decorations. Above is the grass version, but it also comes with a regular conrete version:


The building info window is now completely finished. I’ve added the building icon as well as the zone density. This window used to be disconnected from the regular window system, meaning that it had to be closed and opened separately. This meant a bunch of extra code and was becoming a bit of a hassle as new stuff gets added. I’ve now added it into the window system properly and also added ui sections so that different types of panels can be opened at the same time.
Lastly, the range of a building is now also displayed when a building is clicked!


The new additions to the window system were necessary to be able to redo tutorials efficiently. There’s been a lack of screen real estate to display tutorial info without stuff overlapping and without having to code extra conditions for closing stuff. Now I’ll be able to get the new tutorial stuff into a panel similar to the building info panel and manage it within the new window system effectively. I’m hoping the new tutorial(s) will inform new players well enough, unlike the current ones. Hopefully I can get them translated into other supported languages as well, if not, translated versions will be in for version 0.29 for sure.


Buildable water is a new feature in the upcoming version. Getting this to work properly has required a lot of shader work, which has taken up a lot of time. I’ve also needed to redo a part of a mesh merging system as well as adding to an existing system that checks and adapts meshes to neighboring meshes (like roads). It’s not certain atm if the new buildable water will be complete, but it will be usable enough.

EA.0.26 is live!

EA.0.26 is live!


I’ve decided to launch a somewhat smaller 0.26 version to get a few bugs and issues out of the way sooner. Primarily what has been left out and will be added next week is the new camera tutorial, some new camera controls (some have been added in this version) and some new buildings and props (billboards for example).

But here’s what’s in:
– Atmospheric scattering and SSR off by default on Mac (due to compatibility issues).
– Loading performance improved. Also managed to removed stalling at the end of loading a city.
– Fixed poor performance when placing/removing many blocks.
– Fixed camera shake bug when removing many blocks.
– Fixed calculation error.
– Fix rotation when using shift A/D when not aligned to horizon. Default key setting also moved from shift A/D to Q/E.
– Fixed issue with old block types not being translated correctly (affected first campaign level and a few challenge levels).
– Fixed (ie. removed) camera shake when trying to destroy blocks on a level where blocks can’t be built.
– Fixed status effect not correctly displaying buildings that lack electricity or water. This was due to a change in how missing resources is handled since implementing the new UI for buildings.
– Cost deduction now correct for bridges (cost was not per segment before).

New additions and tweaks
– Building camera lock on replaced with a camera move to building function. Accessed via shift down and left or right mouse button. This is currently not removed from the tutorial, as the movement tutorial is being replaced in the next version!
– Recycling center now produces small amounts of carbon. When running at 100%, it can essentially support a carbon power plant at 50%. Making the early game a bit easier.
– New building UI.
– Increased movement when using scroll wheel.
– User interface color can now be changed in the options menu.
– Controls movement speed options added.
– Bridging pieces added – a sort of walkway to cover up stuff like vactraintubes etc.
– Deactivated buildings are now saved and loaded as deactivated.
– New sounds for buildings.
– New bridge icons.
– Two new bridgetypes added.
– Max bridge length increased a bit.
– New 2×2 park and plaza. More to come in future versions.
– Added more bling to the stadium.
– Consumtion now evened out across all consumers. Before, consumtion was on a first come first serve basis, meaning that buildings whose consumtion was ran first would get all resources. Now this is evened out, so that if there isn’t enough to cover all requirements, then the available amount is split evenly across all consumers. This also fixes an issue where the requirement calculation used to overstate how much electricity and water is required.

This version adds two new bridge designs, and also adds supports to existing ones. Supports are currently only added if there is free space beneath and if the distance to a block below is one unit.

The new building information panel is now more or less complete. There is one remaining issue where unconnected lots will sometimes not display missing water or electricity properly. A fix for this is incoming.

I’ve now added a precalculation of the amount of resources required. This means that instead of consumtion being performed per building until there are no resources left, now the total required amount is checked beforehand and the available resources are portioned out.
For example, you have five buildings that require 50 low skilled labour each, but you only have 200. Before four buildings would get 50, and one would get 0. Now they all receive 40. This will generally prevent certain buildings from not working at all due to missing some resources. Now, if you have no carbon (for example), then you can’t power a carbon power plant regardless.

I’ve also started adding in some more buildings. More were intended for this version, among them a botanical garden, but there are now 2×2 parks and plazas. More stuff coming next week!

Lastly, I was informed ofan issue with atmospheric scattering on Mac, this feature has now been turned off to prevent it from causing trouble – thanks for the notification! 🙂

Custom UI color, botanical gardens and new building info panel

Custom UI color, botanical gardens and new building info panel


Progress towards version EA.0.26 has been fairly good this week. There are some things that I had hoped to have finished but haven’t, but also some things that I was going to do later that I’ve instead been able to implement now. So all in all I should be able to finish the items on my todo.

I’ve started adding in more decorations, this week with focus on a sort of pedestrian path way type that can be used to cover up and hide areas or items such as road or vactracktubes.


I’ve rewritten parts of the consumtion system to adapt to a change in the building information panel. Before, only information about a resource that is missing would be stored, but now all information is stored instead. The way calculations work is also a bit different. The next change to consumtion should also be finished before the next version goes live. Currently, all consumtion is done on a first come first serve basis. So for example, if you only have enough cereal for half of your residences, half of them will have 100% and half will get nothing. This will be changed so that consumtion is evened out between all consumers. Same thing will go for labour, to avoid certain businesses going completely without labour.


The new building info panel is almost finished. At the moment most of the missing items are displayed as either 100% or 0%, because of the way consumtion works. After this is changed, the panel will start making more sense and will be more important in keeping an eye an what your citizens lack.


As can be seen in the previous pictures, I’ve added an option to change the UI color. Other QoL improvements include a speed setting for camera movement, fixed keyboard camera rotation and faster scroll wheel zoom/move speed.

I’ll be getting some more work done on camera movement and camera movement tutorials. Some changes will involve removing some of the less useful movement schemes to make movement more streamlined.

I’m also adding in more entertainment and culture buildings. Following the theatre and stadium last update, this update will see the addition of a pub, botanical garden and hopefully also an indoor stadium among other things.
