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Month: June 2019

Atmocity devlog, entry 39

Atmocity devlog, entry 39


One month to go until the game goes into early access! :)eek:)
There are still things left to do, but the list is shrinking on a day to day basis!

This week I’ve focused on fixing minor issues, annoyances and performance issues. The research ui should be behaving properly now and all the unlocks and research effects are functional now.

I’ve implemented the game’s achievements completely. I will need to adjust some of the conditions, since they are rather low. For example, running a deficit of 40000 is not difficult once a city gets larger.

I’ve added a photography function so that screenshots can be snappen easily. There’s now also a skybox picker:

I’m currently working on the campaign. The winning conditions have been planned out and I’ve mapped what kind of “lessons” to display for each of the campaign levels. The code for checking if a condition has been met has been finished since before, but the ui still needs work. The entirety of the campaign should be finished next week.

The atmofleets still need work, before I can show them off. But the vactrains are now modelled, textured and moving around:
See them in action here:

Lastly, I’ve gotten the fire department building added as well. This was intended for later on, but I found some time to get this added already. This means that some of the building demands have been changed. Neutral and high tech industry will demand a nearby fire station to reach max efficiency. Disasters are planned after EA-release, so currently there is no risk of fire occuring in a city.


More on the campaign and fleets next week!

Atmocity devlog entry #38

Atmocity devlog entry #38


It’s been a good dev week for sure. :D I’ve managed to finish up some things that have been put on the backburner for a while (things that should have been done, but have been tricky and thus been difficult to motivate doing).

Among these things is the movement for the vactrains. Getting this to work required reworking a fairly complicated part of the code, where connectivity between tracks and stations is managed. Luckily, in doing this I could also remove some things that were redundant and speed the whole process up.
Although not completely finished, the progress so far can be seen here:

I’ve reworked health policy settings, so that they now affect clinic and hospital output instead of just affecting Labour availability (this is now instead indirectly affected from increased health output).
While doing this change I also changed the overall effect strengths and costs.

Research is, as far as I can tell, fully functional, but does show the odd bug every now and then, but nothing game breaking. I’ve made some more adjustments and fixes to make the code more logical.

I’ve also touched up on the localisations. German has been overhauled, spanish and russian have been expanded. This also meant fixing some oversized textboxes etc.

Next week I’ll be fixing the atmofleet movements, so that a fleet comes in to the city and lands at the atmoport to transport citizens and goods. In preparation for this I have redesigned the atmoport slightly. The previous one, I felt, was too tall and since it is a required building when you start a new city (and later too) it looks better not being too big.


I also gave it the same color theme as the vactrain station so that they are easily identifiable.

I’ve added sounds to buildings when they are clicked. This is too add a bit more life but also make identification easier. Residential buildings trigger a doorbell sound, commercial zones a cashregister sound etc. I think it works fairly well, but a few more sounds are needed for the different types of industrial buildings.

Lastly, I’ve added the lower class, middle class and upper class residential, commercial and industrial smaller footprint roster of buildings. Initially I had planned for this to be added after the EA-release, but I managed to make them rather quickly. Currently there’s only one version and one density. I will be added another density along with alternative versions for variation once the game has been released. Once the game has been released the mixed low/mid and mid/upper versions will be made as well.

Here are the current buildings:
Aside from these changes, I’ve managed to spend quite some time playing the game and finding minor issues that have been fixed as they have been found.

Devlog entry #37

Devlog entry #37

Another week of dev came and went, and things are coming together rather nicely.

Research implementation is now finished. There are a few bugs remaining, but it works well enough to have these ironed out in the upcoming week or so. Research times and costs will need to be tweaked based on feedback once the game releases, but should be fairly well balanced.

I continue to add more decorations, props and new “extra” buildings into the game, since I have a bit of extra time for this. There’s now a set of small Residences, commercial and industrial buildings in the works. These add a bit of varition to zone size and can be used to mix things up a bit or create more suburban type areas.
Some of the new residences can be seen here:
As mentioned, I’m also working on new props. These props will be seen when zoomed in fairly closely and may include stuff like park benches etc. For starters I’ve made a road sign that lights up during nights:

Current ongoing work includes trains for the vacuumtubes. This is currently only in a boxing stage and so there are no images yet, but I have high hopes for trains as it will add more life into the cities. On the same subject, I’m reworking the car system a bit to allow for cars to respawn in new positions fasters. That way I can have densely trafficed streets without actually having too many running at the same time. At the moment this has been trickier than expected (getting it to look good that is), but hopefully there should be packed streets next week. :)

I’ve also finished up on some remaining UI work. The UI should be more or less completely finished now, but will likely see several changes and tweaks once the game releases into early access and I get feedback from players.


Bug hunting and optimizing is an ongoing Project, mostly relating to messages and the new research stuff. But there’s been the regular minor stuff too.

Next week I should have the trains implemented and possibly the atmo fleets too. The two remaining features to implement is the campaign and the “landmode”, I should get around to working on this next week as well.

Atmocity weekly devlog #36

Atmocity weekly devlog #36

Just a brief update this week. Like a lot of work recently, most of it has been focused on code and getting things up and running flawlessly for the early access release.
But there’s been some picture friendly work done as well. One thing I’m putting a lot of work into at the moment, is expanding the number of decorations and customization items available at EA-launch. I’ve added a few more decoration tiles along with a sort of step decoration inspired by rice paddies:
This can be used to cut off some of the blockiness. There will also be a sort of “edge” decoration made to hide the concrete look of the blocks. Some more decorations can be seen here:
Starting next week, I will start adding in a few more RCI buildings. These will be small footprint versions, instead of 4×4 they will be 2×2 in size. They will appear only in two densities for starters, as opposed to 5 for regular residences and commercial buildings and 4 for industrial. Also, they will only be available in 3 classes, as opposed to 5. This might change once the game has been released and more content gets added.
Research is more or less finished now. I need to add the save function to it, but that should be fairly straightforward with the system I have going. The research tree features 32 items, some of which unlock buildings and some which improve the functionality of buildings. Improving building efficiency comes in increments of 5%, so although it takes time and resources to research them fully, it can surely be worth it.
I’ve continued to polish block placement and made some adjustments to avoid misplacement and other annoyances. All in all, the system works much better and allows for more flexibility. The campaign mode is now properly in the works too. The campaign will feature fairly simple levels that are meant to ease the player into the different systems in the game (building/sculpting, planning, trade, taxes/economy and research among others).
Atmocity devlog #35

Atmocity devlog #35


Work on the game is progressing steadily. This past week I’ve finished up work on the new block placement tools. It’s now possible to click and drag to place the smaller building blocks. If a bigger block has been placed, this can be cut in half (sculpting). This will allow players to build more fine tuned foundations for their cities and will also open up for some interesting decorations later on.

On the subject of decorations, as can be seen in the image above, I’ve added in a very simple park tile. I’ve also added another “geometric garden” type tile that can be used to decorate the city. The new one (and an older one) can be seen here. Prior to release I will try to get a handful more decoration tiles in. Suggestions are welcome!

Here’s another image of the park tile in the same context:

One of the remaining features to add is research. I’ve gotten rather far with this during the week, adding in most of the UI (along with most UI related code). I should be able to finish this up next week and get the research yield functions in as well.
Research is enabled once the city has 15k population and a laboratory building. It is required to unlock some production buildings and power generation Buildings, such as nuclear and fusion plants. Aside from building unlocks, there’s also research that enhances buildings, like lowering pollution from carbon power plants and improving carbon dioxide capture and storage. Once enough has been researched to unlock the bottom tier of enhancements, players will be able to improve education, health and water/power conservation.


Since the current test city is getting rather large, I’ve also been able to start adressing some optimization issues and have started cutting tris and improving slow code. Fixing the new block tools also allowed me to reorganize that code and make it more efficient and also more well-functioning. Among the fixes there have been removing the risk of accidentally placing an area of blocks when only clicking to place one.