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Month: August 2017

On the home stretch of the achievement area

On the home stretch of the achievement area

The achievement area is coming along nicely. All panels have now been placed. What remains to be done is adding in all the details, decals and adding polish to the last area. On another topic, the BoE soundtrack is now all but finished – one main theme, eight in game tracks and three loops. I will go through the sound track one more time prior to release, to add some more polish and make sure they all sound alright, but with this and the achievement area the game is pretty much finished! :O

More achievement area details

More achievement area details


I’ve continued working on the achievement area and have finished roughly 60 percent of it now. The parking lot has been polished up so that it is as detailed as the beginning of the achievement display area. I’ve also added enemies into the scenery to make the whole thing more interesting and to add a greater reward for players getting achievements in the game.

After the parking lot, the camera now transitions to the city scape via a container wall that works well with the post apocalyptic setting of the game.

When you get through the container wall, you reach a police road block and some debris, after which you reach the last setting, the city.

There’s still some code left to do for the achievement area (panels need to display unique achievements etc.), but overall it’s all coming together nicely. Seeing everything up close also allows me to revisit models and textures and give them a final brush up before the release of the game. πŸ™‚

Presentation of new TD project

Presentation of new TD project


This is a short presentation of my new project, currently called “Mini TD”. As the game is very early in development, some things I mention here may come to change over time.

“Mini TD” is a tower defense game featuring procedural level generation using a 16 bit seed. That means that the game has roughly 65k levels. Now, given that the map size is only 16×16 tiles, the number of completely unique levels is much smaller. However, as this seed number will also determine things like the number of enemies in each wave, the type of enemies in a wave, wait times and so on, the possibility for great level variation is much larger. There will also be a system of “interest rate” on the money the player saves controlled by the random seed number. This will further increase the difficulty and variation between otherwise similar levels. To further increase the visual variation, players will be able to change the look of a level using different themes.

Currently, the fundamental aspects of the game are pretty much finished. Level generation, enemy path generation, path solver and level construction is completely finished and optimized. Much of the underlying system that will control the enemies and turrets is also finished. This system allows for modular additions to both enemies and turrets, giving me full freedom to develop turret upgrade paths as I go, without worrying too much that code will become outdated or will require different cases and states to work properly between different upgrade types. With this said, it is hard to determine how much is left to do, but currently no enemies and no turrets have been designed, meaning that there is a lot left to do. Not to mention that dang UI…

At some point in the near future, I will present the systems in the game with greater detail, but for now, keep an eye out on the blog! πŸ™‚


Achievement area continued

Achievement area continued

Work on the achievement display area is progressing nicely. I have managed to make scenery that contains about half of the panels. The remaining half will primarily go into a city type area and in a container area. These two areas will continue from the area seen to the left here:

I’ve also started placing some of the enemies in the order you encounter them in game as a sort of bonus to the player for having unlocked more achievements. This display ended up a bit interesting:

Hopefully I should have all of this work done by the end of the weekend, which means that aside from continued testing and polishing along with half of the last remaining song, the game is actually finished! :O :O :O




Finally gotten around to starting work on the achievement display area. This will be a sort of “walk through” the game areas in close up, with achievement panels strewn about the environment (and maybe the odd dead enemy also!). Currently very early on in the process, so many things will change (like obviously the panels won’t all display the same achievement), but this should give a hint about what to expect. πŸ™‚ Check it out: